John Matthias Watson was convicted of murdering his wife of 33 years, Evie, after luring her to a Las Vegas hotel where he fatally shot her and dismembered her corpse before dumping them in areas between Las Vegas and Southern California.

He was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to death in 2010 and is currently serving time on death row at the Nothern Nevada Correctional Center.

Oxygen's Killer Relationship With Faith Jenkins chronicled the murder of Evie Watson in a recent episode, titled Sin City Killer, which premiered on the channel this Sunday, June 11. The synopsis states:

"Married for 33 years, a respected high school math teacher and his wife head to Las Vegas to celebrate her 50th birthday; when Evie Watson disappears, however, police from two states join forces and play a game of cat and mouse to catch her killer."

Reports state that John Matthias Watson lured Evie Watson to a Las Vegas hotel, claiming that he wanted to celebrate her 50th birthday together. She was last seen on July 13, 2006, after which John allegedly shot her to death, dismembered her body, and dumped the body parts. He later admitted to cooking and eating her body part in letters he wrote from prison.

This article concerns a brutal murder. Reader's discretion is advised.

John Matthias Watson asked the jury to sentence him to death after conviction for wife's murder and dismemberment

In 2006, John Matthias Watson, a retired high school mathematics teacher, was arrested and charged with the kidnapping and murder of his wife of 33 years, Evie Watson.

She went missing while on a trip to Las Vegas with him to celebrate her 50th birthday. The couple were staying at Tuscany Suites and Casino where authorities believed he murdered and dismembered her.

Evie was last seen on July 13 after which John claimed she moved to North America on her own accord because she was scheduled to visit her relatives in Guatemala around the same time, but never boarded her flight.

Further investigation suggested that she never left the country. In fact, most of her personal belongings, including credit cards and keys were left behind.

According to reports, she was reported missing by her son on July 15 and John was arrested one day after her disappearance for using a false identification to make bookings while wearing a fake mustache and wig.

Detectives also found a receipt of a band saw he bought in Las Vegas along with other cleaning supplies, such as bleach, anti-freeze, trash bags, incense, and odor neutralizer.

Tests conducted during the investigation detected large amounts of blood inside the hotel room - in the shower drain, on the carpet, and in John's car. John initially told detectives that the blood was from a time his wife cut her finger.

However, the amount of blood found refuted his claim and he was essentially charged with kidnapping, murder, and other charges. Authorities believed he had been planning the murder for about a month to avoid paying Evie anything because she wanted to divorce him.

In 2010, John Matthias Watson was found guilty of first-degree murder in his wife Evie Watson's killing and dismemberment, although her body was never found.

Reports state that after his conviction, he asked for the death sentence and the jury agreed. Moreover, in the letters he wrote from prison, the convict admitted to cooking and eating the victim's body parts.

Since then, John has been serving time on death row at the Nothern Nevada Correctional Center, as per the Nevada Department of Correction records.

Oxygen's Killer Relationship With Faith Jenkins revisits Evie Watson's gruesome slaying by husband John Matthias Watson.

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