shannon beador

Mixed feelings is the best way to describe Shannon Beador of the Real Housewives of Orange County. On one hand, she’s funny, entertaining and clearly a good friend when she lets her guard down and lets go. On the other hand, she can be a bit mean and a bit of a grudge-holder when she’s not letting go and relaxing. She is a bit negative, and it can be a turn-off for fans. However, then she suddenly lets go, laughs, has fun with her family and her friends and she seems just like the kind of woman you want in your circle. She’s not someone afraid to stand up for herself, and she’s got a hilarious sense of humor; her quick wit gets us every single time. Her negativity isn’t our favorite, but we like Shannon Beador nonetheless. Though we do have to throw it out there that the first time we saw her husband on television, we though he was Tamra Judge’s ex-husband Simon’s long lost twin (my husband doesn’t see it, but I so do).

Shannon Beador is funny, and her twitter page makes us laugh. It’s raw, honest and she is so much fun when she really does allow it. We thought it might be fun to share with you some of our favorite tweets from her feed and let you see for yourself how funny she can be.

I tried marijuana ONCE. Hated not being in control. ???? Trying to have some FUN!!! #RHOC

— Shannon Beador (@ShannonBeador) July 19, 2016

Her Admitted Drug Use  I believe her, and I thought she was quite funny when she was talking about it on the show. I believe her because one, I’ve never tried it – ever; so I know that there are people who have not. Two, I believe her because she does not like to be out-of-control, and we all know it.

More bathroom issues!!! ???????????? — Shannon Beador (@ShannonBeador) June 28, 2016

Bathroom Issues 

This is one woman not afraid to discuss her bathroom issues with the world. I mean, she’s keeping it really real.

Anyone need demo work??? ⛏????????????????#RHOC

— Shannon Beador (@ShannonBeador) June 28, 2016

She’s Got Skills  How do you not appreciate someone who knows her limits when it comes to working construction, and knows how to recognize the skills she shares with her friends?

What wife has loved EVERY gift their husband has given them in 15 years? He didn’t like it either when I had it on. #notcomplaining #RHOC — Shannon Beador (@ShannonBeador) June 28, 2016

Her Excellent Point 

My husband and I have been together 15 years, and I have not loved every single gift he has given me. The only difference is that I say it to him in private versus on national television. Let’s just be honest here.

Weight gain equals bigger breasts… ????????

— Shannon Beador (@ShannonBeador) June 21, 2016

She’s Working on Her Positive Side 

Shannon Beador might occasionally be a little negative (and we all are) but the woman knows when to be positive; and this is absolutely the time to find the positives in life. Let me go find myself some cookies and some ice cream now that I know this secret…
